In the lower extremity venous system, deep veins are the main drainage system. In the venous circulation, the leg veins function in opposite direction to gravity when they send the blood to the lungs. This system is supported by the function of leg muscles and one-way valves. Over time this mechanism may be damaged
in some individuals, for a variety of reasons. This situation causes excessive expansion of veins and eventually the valves cannot function properly. This can cause “varicose veins’ to develop on the leg, especially in the lower part, characterized by a balloon-like bulge under the skin. Varicose veins usually pose problems along with appearance and aesthetic. And if they are not treated, they may also bring serious health issues. A drug-free, painless method to treat varicose veins is the use of compression stockings.

Absolute Contraindications:
advanced peripheral arterial occlusion disease,
decompensated heart failure,
septic phlebitis,
phlegmasia coerulea dolens.
Partial Contraindications:
secretory dermatoses,
incompatibility/allergy to material of compression stockings,
deterioration of sensitivity in limb/treatment area, advanced
peripheral neuropathy (Diabetes Mellitus)
The Aurafix Varicosis Stockings with its high construction quality and durable fabric meet the pressure profile of world standards and is a comfortable and reliable solution in the area of varicosis stockings. The Aurafix Varicosis Stockings has been designed in accordance with the standard of “ TS ENV 12718”. By the pressures of CCL1 (18-21 mmHg), CCL2 (23-32 mmHg), CCL3 (34-46 mmHg), CCl4 (49 mmHg and above) and on-off finger models are available. The raw materials used are ÖkoTex 100 certified and minimize allergic reactions that may occur in the skin. Varicosis Stockings apply a decreasing compression towards the calf and upper leg with external pressure highest on the ankle. Thus, they promote blood flow by providing a regular pressure distribution in legs and feet.
Indications Mild Pressure (18-21 mmHg) Compression Stockings:
- Prevention of venous diseases,
- Mild varicose veins which is not accompanied by edema and varicose veins in early pregnancy,
- Diseases such as diabetes and rheumatism which causes expansion and loss of elasticity in vein.
- Treatment after vein surgery.
Medium Pressure (23-32 mmHg) Compression Stockings:
- Varicose veins inclined in edema,
- Post-traumatic bulges,
- Healing period of simple ulcers,
- Superficial thrombophlebitis,
- Distinctive varicose veins in pregnancy.
High-Pressure (34-46 mmHg) Compression Stockings:
- Heavy structural and post-thrombotic venous deficiencies,
- Distinctive varicose veins which edema accompanies
- Secondary varicose veins,
- Dermatosclerosis,
- Recovery period of severe and recurrent ulcers (After ulcer has healed).
Very High Pressure (49 mmHg and above) Compression Stockings:
- Treatment of lymphedema,
- Elephantiasis
Anti Embolism Stockings increase blood flow to the legs by applying constant pressure and reduce clotting. It applies a decreasing compression towards calf and upper leg with highest pressure on the ankle. Thus, blood flow increases in the deep vein system. The Aurafix Anti-Embolism Stockings are designed according to the standard of “TS ENV 12719 Medical Thrombosis Prophylaxis Socks”. Three models are available: knee length, above knee and above knee with belt. Antibacterial fabric reduces the risk of fungus growth. There are nonslip silicone bands on the upper side of the sock. Thanks to the special latex-free fabric and elastic structure, the stocking is comfortable for the patient.
Anti Embolism Stockings Indications:
- Reduces the risk of deep vein thrombosis for immobilized patients before and after surgery.
- Increases blood flow speed by providing gradual pressure.
- Increases the blood flow in other venous disorders such as chronic venous stasis.
- Regional leg conditions that the sock may worsen;
- Cellulitis
- Skin fester
- Gangrene
- Recent skin graft
- Panniculitis
- Pulmonary edema due to severe arteriosclerosis or other ischemic vascular disease
- Pulmonary edema due to severe edema in the legs or convective heart disease
- Extreme degree of deformity in the leg
Lymphedema, defined as the accumulation of excessive amounts of fluid in the interstitial space, causes restrictions by affecting daily life activities in a negative way. Lymphedema is classified as primary and secondary lymphedema. Primary lymphoedema is associated with development abnormality of lymph vessels and lymph nodes. Secondary lymphoedema can be caused by various diseases and/or develop by the failure of lymphatic ducts as a result of radiotherapy, surgery, trauma, inflammation or neoplastic disorder. Secondary lymphedema is observed more often than primary lymphedema. Lymphedema is a chronic condition that necessitates lifelong attention. Controlling edema reduces the progression of the disease and incidence of soft tissue. Pressure therapy is an important part of the lymphedema therapy. People who have mild lymphedema, can reduce swelling by wearing medical pressure armsleeves. The Aurafix Lymphedema Armsleeves are designed according to the standard of the German “ RAL-GZ 387/2 Medical Compression Armsleeves” and are available in 4 different models beginning from wrist and including thumb by the pressures of CC1 (18-21 mmHg), CCL2 (23-32 mmHg) and CCL3 (34-46 mmHg).
- Treatment of primary or secondary lymphedema,
- Edema developed after upper extremity surgery or its trauma,
- Syndrome of Paget-von-Schrotter (Axillary Phlebothrombosis)
- Vein occlusion (advanced arterial disease),
- Uncontrolled advanced heart deficiency,
- Untreated inflammatory phlebitis,
- Distinctive or non-reducing Lymphedema,
- Progressed peripheral neuropathies.
Partial Contraindications
- Immobility (bedridden),
- Skin infections, running skin diseases,
- Sensitivity due to material used,
- Sensitivity degradation of arm/limb
On long journeys by plane, car, bus or train of over 4 hours, it could be unhealthy and dangerous to sit or stay still for this prolonged period. Deep vein thrombosis arises because of the blood (generally in the leg) that is prevented from circulated or clotting normally. According to clinical studies, travel socks reduce asymptomatic deep vein thrombosis and edema of legs. With the highest pressure on the ankle near the calf, a decreasing grade external pressure is applied by the travel socks. It minimizes diameter of vessels by compressing slightly and decreases the clotting by increasing the blood flow. Thus, travel socks prevent swelling in the legs and keep your legs healthy and energetic and reduce the risk of deep vein thrombosis. Aurafix Travel Socks constructed with the pressure profile of world standards and durable knitted fabric, is a comfortable solution. The raw materials used are Öko – Tex 100 certified which minimizes the allergic effects that may occur in the skin.