Euroresearch - natural growing, natural healing
Euroresearch is an Italian company that was founded in 1983. It operates in various pharmaceutical fields, with particular focus on research and development, marketing, licensing and trading. With over 30 years of experience, Euroresearch has developed high quality products and positioned itself as a leading company in the collagen market. Because of well-established manufacturing processes, Euroresearch products typically have a high degree of purity and safety, thus ensuring optimum quality. The company’s mission began with the research and development of highly effective, innovative solutions for the treatment of chronic injuries. Based on this experience, Euroresearch developed the idea of investing in new technological solutions in the following areas: aesthetic medicine, traumatology and dentistry.
COllagen Products
Natural nourishing and healing.
From a structural point of view, collagen is made of a triple helix of diversely composed filaments, differentiated by polypeptide amino-acids. Collagen molecules are predominantly synthesized by fibroblasts, but also by chondroblasts, osteoblasts and epithelial cells. These molecules are then stored in the extracellular matrix (ECM), where the triple helix structure, composed of three alpha-chains, connects with other more complex fibrils of a reticular and elastic nature, thus reinforcing its characteristics.
This assembly can be considered a real tissue matrix, capable of taking on different degrees of elasticity and flexibility (figure 1).
Collagen is a fibrous protein found in the ECM of human tissues such as skin, tendons, ligaments, cartilage, bones, and teeth; it makes up approximately 25% of all proteins in the human body. Collagen plays an important role in the biological process of cicatrization, in that it is the driver of tissue repair processes.
Its mechanical action provides structural support and contributes to:
1. offering a load-bearing structure (scaffold) to recover substance loss
2. controlling differentiation, migration and synthesis of several cell proteins
3. fostering physiological production of fibroblasts, granulation tissue and native collagen
4. facilitating contact between platelets and coagulation factors (hemostasis)
5. favoring the formation of new capillaries (angiogenesis).
From a structural point of view, collagen is made of a triple helix of diversely composed filaments, differentiated by polypeptide amino-acids. Collagen molecules are predominantly synthesized by fibroblasts, but also by chondroblasts, osteoblasts and epithelial cells. These molecules are then stored in the extracellular matrix (ECM), where the triple helix structure, composed of three alpha-chains, connects with other more complex fibrils of a reticular and elastic nature, thus reinforcing its characteristics.
This assembly can be considered a real tissue matrix, capable of taking on different degrees of elasticity and flexibility (figure 1).
Collagen is a fibrous protein found in the ECM of human tissues such as skin, tendons, ligaments, cartilage, bones, and teeth; it makes up approximately 25% of all proteins in the human body. Collagen plays an important role in the biological process of cicatrization, in that it is the driver of tissue repair processes.
Its mechanical action provides structural support and contributes to:
1. offering a load-bearing structure (scaffold) to recover substance loss
2. controlling differentiation, migration and synthesis of several cell proteins
3. fostering physiological production of fibroblasts, granulation tissue and native collagen
4. facilitating contact between platelets and coagulation factors (hemostasis)
5. favoring the formation of new capillaries (angiogenesis).
BIOPAD® is an ivory-white soft sponge, made exclusively of lyophilized type I native heterologous collagen extracted from horse flexor tendon, gelatine free, that keeps its native structure, specific to the body’s skin tissue.
BIOSPRAY® is an advanced medication, available in powder form with spray atomiser, made of native type I collagen extracted from horse flexor tendon, telopeptides and gelatine free, that keeps its native structure, specific to the body’s skin tissue.
BIOPAD SILVER® is an ivory-white soft sponge, made of lyophilized type I native heterologous collagen and colloidal silver.